Ayuda de Luxemburgo, Holanda y Kuwait foresightcuba, June 24, 2016June 26, 2016 Luxemburgo ha ofrecido ayuda a Cuba por un valor de 2,5 millones de dólares, en su totalidad transferidos a la isla . Holanda ha ofrecido ayuda a Cuba por un valor de 88 millones de dólares, de los cuales ha transferido a la isla 4 millones. Kuwait ha ofrecido ayuda a Cuba por un valor de 58 millones de dólares, de los cuales ha transferido a la isla 2,6 millones. A continuación presentamos la lista detallada de proyectos de ayuda a Cuba: Luxembourg IDTítuloAyuda ofrecida (USD)Cuota transferida (USD) 50043230Renforcement et development de l'experience de mise en place d'une approche communautaire et integrale de la radaptation des personnes handicapes,1162811628 50043255Renforcement et development de l'experience de mise en place d'une approche communautaire et integrale de la radaptation des personnes handicapes,192908192908 50043324Implementation traitement de l'asthme5713657136 51127833CUBASOLAR - POLITIQUE VOLONTARISTE ENERGIES RE,82348234 54067126Accord-cadre HIL 2007-2009191670191670 58636478Accord-cadre HIL 2007-20095899058990 61116585Renforcement et development de l'expérience de mise en place d'une approche communautaire et intégrale de la réadaptation des personnes handicapées,3749737497 62428163Santa Clara efficience-SLC/SE/01/20061856618566 66530365101150101150 70477251COLOTTE ELISABETH - SECRÉTAIRE DE LÉGATION80268026 71092935ACCORD-CADRE 2005 HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL168989168989 71804665COLOTTE ELISABETH - SECRETAIRE DE LÉGATION31013101 75957283Renforcement et development de l'expérience de mise en place d'une approche communautaire et intégrale de la réadaptation des personnes handicapées,214837214837 76143993ACCORD-CADRE 2005 HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL1590815908 94272998SLC/2010/001 - 1¨re tranche5271852718 94273035Materiares prem.pharmaceutiques pr med.-1.tranche9741397413 94273072Chirurgie sub-craneane Cuba9906999069 94273110Accord-cadre Handicap International Luxembourg 2010-2013 - Enveloppe 2010107544107544 106438497Renforcement et development de l'experience de mise en place d'une approche communautaire et integrale de la radaptation des personnes handicapes,119542119542 106438780Matres prem.pharmaceutiques pr méd. .9269692696 116961440Reconst. maisons a Santiago de Cuba-Ouragan Sandy3339833398 116961507Mares premares pharmaceutiques-Cuba9111191111 116961574Autonomie et securite alimentaire, Cuba9595595955 116961641Accord-cadre HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL Asbl 2010-2013146419146419 116961714Aide humanitaire, Kabase, Nord Kivu, RDC200390200390 906000876513Accord-cadre HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL Asbl 2010-2013145651145651 906000877428Sante et medecine de pointe à Cuba4060940609 906000878076Formation gestion projets development local,Cuba5316753167 Total24643222464322 Netherlands IDTítuloAyuda ofrecida (USD)Cuota transferida (USD) 50026766MRF 1-3 / 2009 HAV4125034600 50026767MRF 4 / 2009 HAV6686064970 50026768MRF 2008 HAV73960 50515752ORET 96/72 LEVERING 2 MULTI PU56724522547853 51464753CUBAANSE ORGELDRAAIERS NAAR NE229690 52795175HAV FSA Mensenrechten ODA 20063881738368 53749960BIJDRAGE AAN HULPPROGRAMMA VRO265020 53894589ESTRATEGIA AMBIENTAL NACIONAL254880 54333604DCO ACCESS TO FOOD DE RECONSTR11441139726 55961539NOODHULP SLACHTOFFERS OVERSTRO441710 56017528EUROPEES PLATFORM VOOR DEMOCRA305860 57584910CONTR 2003 MIN OF JUST225634225634 58455799PIN/OS-MIDDELEN/ STEUN VOOR DE10941680 59017770HAV FSA MENSENRECHTEN 200710177966504 59636554ORET 00/16 - MATANZAS POTATO P48783960 61043560MRF 2008 HAV99709104645 61641026SUBS 2005 TO CBI2040640 62250899AMBASSADE PROJECTEN PROGRAMMA220850 65836743ORET-programma 20078869388693 68267248EUROPEES PLATFORM VOOR DEMOCRA10501583345 70273334AMBASSADE PROJECTEN PROGRAMMA209290 72236619TOEREKENING KOSTEN ASIELZOEKER610420 74761888CONTR 2005 MIN OF JUST64500 75163695KAPPROGRAMMA 1998 ONDERSTEUNIN1833618336 75391084CONTR 2004 MIN OF JUST2910829108 76292656HAV FSA MENSENRECHTEN ODA 2005452120 76673610BIJDRAGE NED, RODE KRUIS (GEOR8334583345 78993816ORET 00/41 - 10 VISSERSSCHEPEN73959590 791551981996 REFRESHER COURSE FOR NFP1395290 80071830DMV/HH CU FAO NOODHULP 20026142961429 82740307SUBS 2003 TO CBI7165571655 83201683AMBASSADE PROJECTEN PROGRAMMA220850 84679090Legal advice and services|Institutional strengthening of legal and judicial systems96727880 85674943All unspecified multisector aid activities145250 86723249Radio activities|Multisector education/training activities|Community participation and development|Other participatory planning and decision making procedures and institutions162754670 86965848Basic health medical equipment and supplies 7560050 86998911All items relating to otherwise unspecified adminstrative costs of donors|Government and civil society, activity unspecified or does not fit under any other applicable codes920240 87807620All non-food relief items and assistance460120 87897558All non-food relief items and assistance460120 87933792All non-food relief items and assistance184413620 88514583Basic health medical equipment and supplies 180318170 88776509Basic health medical equipment and supplies 180320 88914480Human rights|Women's equality organisations and institutions450790 89097786All non-food relief items and assistance138040 89217645All other activities when sector is not specified2690520 89307199All items relating to otherwise unspecified adminstrative costs of donors|Government and civil society, activity unspecified or does not fit under any other applicable codes3606340 89339822Rail infrastructure, rail equipment, locomotives, other rolling stock|Institution capacity building, Transport|Transport sector policy, planning and programs|Air transport, activity unspecified or does not fit elsewhere in group|Road infrastructure, road vehicles|Harbors and docks, harbor guidance systems30402400 96665164Housing policy and administrative management, activity unspecified or does not fit elsewhere in group104708104708 105942172MRF 2011 / HAV8442284422 116683925MRF 2012 / HAV182379108952 906000882295MRF 2012 / HAV2412275797 906000882298HAV MRF 20139641365989 Total884804213998079 Kuwait IDTítuloAyuda ofrecida (USD)Cuota transferida (USD) 2427337Cuba Water Supply System Rehabilitation Project 40827631Holguin Water Supply System Rehabilitation Project 118727823REHABILITATION OF WATER NETWORK AND SEWERAGE PROJECT IN HAVANA273770700 906000896802HOLGUIN WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM REHABILITATION164633722681605 906000898416SANTIAGO DE CUBA WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM REHABILITATION142265930 Total580670352681605 Fuente: Aiddata.org. Economía FinanzasSector externo