Ayuda de Canadá foresightcuba, June 20, 2016 Cuba ha obtenido ayuda por un valor de 3,9 mil millones de dólares entre 1973 y el 2014. Los valores son presentados en su equivalente en dólares del 2011. Canadá ha ofrecido ayuda a Cuba por un valor de 181,4 millones de dólares, de los cuales ha transferido a la isla 18,9 millones. A continuación presentamos la lista detallada de proyectos de ayuda a Cuba: Fuente: Aiddata.org. ID del ProyectoTítuloAyuda ofrecida (USD)Cuota transferida (USD) 93705810Institutional Strengthening of the National Laboratories of Sanitary Surveillance in Brazil and Cuba1135730 809242431556410 80934817Medicine Airlift 2001251818219534 81046241E- COMMERCE AND ECO-TOURISM RESEARCH (ECUADOR & CUBA)531170 81200947NETWORK DESIGN & INSTALLATION - CUBA15325820355 81574939IS/METEOROLOGICAL MODERNIZATION 81605211PARTICIPATORY PLANT BREEDING FOR STRENGTHENING AGRO-BIODIVERSITY IN CUBA (PHASE II)325518121517 82005653CANADA FUND CUBA 2000-2006 - 2004-2005419065346028 82172565WWFC: SUSTAINABLE DEV. IN THE LOS CANARE 82222372RIO ALMENDARES - ECOLOGICAL WATER TREATMENT FACILITY 82232236URBAN AGRICULTURE, ENVIRONMENT & SOCIAL ECONOMY, L1460540 82347890Hurricane Season Cuba - CARE Canada 2008315783315783 82485712PDHL-CUBA5143240 82602529LIQUID COMPONENTS & WINDOW ASSEMBLY/CUBA148469148469 83080389Cuba-Mexico-Canada Early Child Development Research Initiative7313269469 83121945CANADA FUND CUBA 2000-2006 - 2001-2002516550105893 8491409294627690 85055686793870 851134551794640 85290103All non-food relief items and assistance3628260 85317169All emergency food aid items or activities3212890 85386634All items relating to otherwise unspecified adminstrative costs of donors|Government and civil society, activity unspecified or does not fit under any other applicable codes12547320 85538962Industrial crops/export crops1305630 85784295Support for vulnerable groups|Human rights|Specialized clinics and hospitals3335650 85791393General government services not elsewhere specified|Government administration, activity unspecified or does not fit elsewhere in group 3483070 86201986Institutional consensus, awareness, and capacity building|Disaster prevention and preparedness, activity unspecified7934300 86216377Domestic and industrial waste water treatment plants|Dams and reservoirs|Intakes, storage, pumping stations, conveyance and distribution systems|Sewerage394703560 86487266All other activities when sector is not specified846030 86725082Ocean and coastal fishing67099610 86843805All export support activities|Support to customs departments|Security system management and reform, activity unspecified or does not fit elsewhere in group384820 8696128413056320 87034821Industrial crops/export crops18748420 87104890Plant and post-harvest protection and pest control407750 87439348All non-food relief items and assistance797170 87467442Fishing harbours6615240 875147406624110 877116492463830 87767619Institutional consensus, awareness, and capacity building|Disaster prevention and preparedness, activity unspecified542230 87844775Fishing harbours435210 87858035Industrial crops/export crops361490 87963200Human rights833260 88026647Industrial development, activity unspecified or does not fit elsewhere in group740040 8889585715680 89260366Fishing harbours748520 893675441459050 89383984Support for vulnerable groups|Human rights|Specialized clinics and hospitals3527270 97712567Economic Sustainability, Gender Equality and Human Rights 97712882Strengthening Accountability in Cuba / tbd 97713316Latin America - UNHCR Appeal 2010 97713363Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) - Cuba - 2010-2011 /20871293607 97713443Support to the Local Human Development Program in Cuba 208712208712 97713490Fast-tracking Self-sufficiency: Improving Food Security in Cuban Municipalities / TBD41742939 97713536Students for Development 2010-2015 / etudiants pour le daveloppement 2010-201563573583130 97713583Fast-tracking Self-sufficiency: Improving Food Security in Cuban Municipalities / TBD1043562348 97713629Fast-tracking Self-sufficiency: Improving Food Security in Cuban Municipalities / TBD20871470 97713708Fast-tracking Self-sufficiency: Improving Food Security in Cuban Municipalities / TBD41742939 97713755Strengthening Accountability in Cuba / tbd 97713800Strengthening Accountability in Cuba / tbd 97713845Economic Sustainability, Gender Equality and Human Rights / Viabilita aconomique, agalita des sexes et droits de la personne 97713925Support to the Local Human Development Program in Cuba / Appui au Programme local de daveloppement humain Cuba208712208712 97713972Support to the Local Human Development Program in Cuba / Appui au Programme local de daveloppement humain Cuba417423417423 97714018Support to the Local Human Development Program in Cuba / Appui au Programme local de daveloppement humain Cuba208712208712 97714064Economic Sustainability, Gender Equality and Human Rights / Viabilita aconomique, agalita des sexes et droits de la personne 97714111Economic Sustainability, Gender Equality and Human Rights / Viabilita aconomique, agalita des sexes et droits de la personne 97963817Coentreprise de moteurs diesel28854496007 97972878Meteorological7621176211 97991958Centre de promotion et daveloppement du Biogaz - Pour une gestion acologique et pour l'amalioration de la qualita de vie des paysans de Cuba et d'Ha¯t11805829512 97992038Quand le communautaire prend l'inforoute II : de Biyem-Assi Montraal76086418 97992119STOP malnutrition, une lutte pour le daveloppement local247448122221 97992199education l'environnement dans les Andes paruviennes6342743047 97992278Centre de promotion et daveloppement du Biogaz - Pour une gestion acologique et pour l'amalioration de la qualita de vie des paysans de Cuba et d'Ha¯t11805834573 97992326La pravention, pas si « bªte » que §a! : santa animale et intervention communautaire5722914307 105074809Cultivating Skills for Employment and Growth in Cuba / Daveloppement de compatences pour l'emploi et la croissance Cuba2679203418370 105074995Cultivating Skills for Employment and Growth in Cuba / Daveloppement de compatences pour l'emploi et la croissance Cuba1339602209190 105075367Cultivating Skills for Employment and Growth in Cuba / Daveloppement de compatences pour l'emploi et la croissance Cuba1339602209190 105075777Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) - Cuba - 2011-2012 / Fonds canadien d'initiatives locales (FCIL) - Cuba - 2011-2012202204102062 105076036Support to the Local Human Development Program in Cuba / Appui au Programme de daveloppement humain local Cuba121322121322 105076073Support to the Local Human Development Program in Cuba / Appui au Programme de daveloppement humain local Cuba8088280882 105076110Latin America - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Appeal 2011 / Amarique latine - Appel du Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les rafugias 2011 105076147Latin America - International Committee of the Red Cross Appeal 2011 / Amarique latine - Appel du Comita international de la Croix-Rouge 2011 105076184Canada World Youth 2009-2014 105076222Canada World Youth 2009-2015 105076260Canada World Youth 2009-2016 105076298Canada World Youth 2009-2017 105076336Canada World Youth 2009-2018 105076374Canada World Youth 2009-2019 105076412Canada World Youth 2009-2020 105076450Canada World Youth 2009-2021 105242106Co-entreprise d'assiettes en bagasse de canne sucre‚ 656460 105250986Salud animal sin fronteras58445844 105251040education environnementale et anergie solaire4113841138 105251094Pompes solaires, sacurita alimentaire, animation et formation dans les communautas isolaes de Jasus Manendez8088280882 117551783Cuba Program Support Facility / TBD5007780 117551854Cuba Program Support Facility / TBD5007780 117551924Cuba Program Support Facility / TBD5007780 117551960Cuba Program Support Facility / TBD100153150 117551997Cuba Program Support Facility / TBD150230230 117552034Cuba Program Support Facility / TBD100153150 117552073Emergency assistance to affected people in Cuba (Hurricane Sandy) - IFRC Appeal 2012 / Aide d'urgence aux personnes touchaes Cuba (ouragan Sandy) - Appel de la FICR 2012 117552109Local Economic Growth and Food Security / Croissance aconomique locale et sacurita alimentaire 117552153Local Economic Growth and Food Security / Croissance aconomique locale et sacurita alimentaire 117552215Environmental Health Risks Management / Gestion des risques lias l'hygi¨ne du milieu206810 117552254Program of Support for the Modernization of Local Agriculture in Cuba / Appui au Programme de modernisation de production agricole local Cuba240367240367 117552292Program of Support for the Modernization of Local Agriculture in Cuba / Appui au Programme de modernisation de production agricole local Cuba480735480735 117552331Program of Support for the Modernization of Local Agriculture in Cuba / Appui au Programme de modernisation de production agricole local Cuba240367240367 117552368Program of Support for the Modernization of Local Agriculture in Cuba / Appui au Programme de modernisation de production agricole local Cuba240367240367 117713998Implantation d'une usine de produits alectrique et alectronique6007230346 117722698El camino del Sol : education environnementale et anergie solaire4534945349 906000131563Distance Education in Cooperative Management / education distance en gestion des cooparatives02049 906000138269Cuba Program Support Facility / Macanisme d'appui au programme de Cuba 906000138278Policy and Program Support / Appui politique et programmation09731 906000140123Economic Sustainability, Gender Equality and Human Rights / Viabilita aconomique, agalita des sexes et droits de la personne 906000142492Implantation d’une usine de produits alectrique et alectronique02876 906000142589Integrated Coastal Zone Management Capacity-Building / Renforcement de la capacita de gestion intagrae de la zone c´ti¨re031418 906000142639Accelerating Sustainable Food Production in Cuban Municipalities / TBD9970850 906000142682Oxfam Canada - Engendering Change - Program 2009-2014 / Oxfam Canada - Engendrer le changement - Programme 2009-2014 906000143094Accelerating Sustainable Food Production in Cuban Municipalities / TBD9970850 906000143385Co-entreprise d’assiettes en bagasse de canne sucre 021180 906000143892Oxfam Canada - Engendering Change - Program 2009-2014 / Oxfam Canada - Engendrer le changement - Programme 2009-2014 906000143897Cultivating Skills for Employment and Growth in Cuba / Daveloppement de compatences pour l'emploi et la croissance Cuba0235101 906000145186Oxfam Canada - Engendering Change - Program 2009-2014 / Oxfam Canada - Engendrer le changement - Programme 2009-2014 906000145589Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) - 2013-2014 / Fonds canadien d'initiatives locales (FCIL) - 2013-20142070912080 906000145865Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) - 2013-2014 / Fonds canadien d'initiatives locales (FCIL) - 2013-20142301020709 906000147438Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) - 2013-2014 / Fonds canadien d'initiatives locales (FCIL) - 2013-20142339318983 906000147552Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) - 2012-2013 / Fonds canadien d'initiatives locales (FCIL) - 2012-20135618256182 906000149572Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) - 2013-2014 / Fonds canadien d'initiatives locales (FCIL) - 2013-2014143810 906000149751Distance Education in Cooperative Management / education distance en gestion des cooparatives031108 906000150381Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) - 2012-2013 / Fonds canadien d'initiatives locales (FCIL) - 2012-20134793747937 906000150518Oxfam Canada - Engendering Change - Program 2009-2014 / Oxfam Canada - Engendrer le changement - Programme 2009-2014 906000151458Modernization of the State Fund / Fonds de modernisation de l'etat030008 906000151953Emergency assistance to affected people in Cuba (Hurricane Sandy) - IFRC Appeal 2012 / Aide d'urgence aux personnes touchaes Cuba (ouragan Sandy) - Appel de la FICR 2012 906000151999Accelerating Sustainable Food Production in Cuban Municipalities / TBD4985420 906000152057Accelerating Sustainable Food Production in Cuban Municipalities / TBD24927110 906000152446Development of the Forestry Sector / Daveloppement du secteur forestier 906000153059Cultivating Skills for Employment and Growth in Cuba / Daveloppement de compatences pour l'emploi et la croissance Cuba0470202 906000153673Local Economic Growth and Food Security / Croissance aconomique locale et sacurita alimentaire 906000154085Economic Sustainability, Gender Equality and Human Rights / Viabilita aconomique, agalita des sexes et droits de la personne 906000154100Development of the Forestry Sector / Daveloppement du secteur forestier 906000154214Distance Education in Cooperative Management / education distance en gestion des cooparatives016579 906000154228Strengthening the Capacity of Auditors in Cuba / Renforcer la capacita des varificateurs Cuba 906000154231Community Development Fund (CCDF) / Fonds de daveloppement communautaire (FDCC)012444 906000154402Modernization of the State Fund / Fonds de modernisation de l'etat022502 906000154417Integrated Coastal Zone Management Capacity-Building / Renforcement de la capacita de gestion intagrae de la zone c´ti¨re031418 906000155150Modernization of the State Fund / Fonds de modernisation de l'etat037506 906000155688Community Development Fund (CCDF) / Fonds de daveloppement communautaire (FDCC)015560 906000156153Cultivating Skills for Employment and Growth in Cuba / Daveloppement de compatences pour l'emploi et la croissance Cuba0235101 906000157637Community Development Fund (CCDF) / Fonds de daveloppement communautaire (FDCC)018676 906000158482Local Economic Growth and Food Security / Croissance aconomique locale et sacurita alimentaire 906000158791Modernization of the State Fund / Fonds de modernisation de l'etat060007 906000159679Economic Sustainability, Gender Equality and Human Rights / Viabilita aconomique, agalita des sexes et droits de la personne 906000160145Strengthening the Capacity of Auditors in Cuba / Renforcer la capacita des varificateurs Cuba 906000160576Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) - 2012-2013 / Fonds canadien d'initiatives locales (FCIL) - 2012-20138753387533 906000160582Community Development Fund (CCDF) / Fonds de daveloppement communautaire (FDCC)015560 906000160585Distance Education in Cooperative Management / education distance en gestion des cooparatives016579 906000160604Strengthening the Capacity of Auditors in Cuba / Renforcer la capacita des varificateurs Cuba322823665 50001655Canadian Urban Institute - Program 2007-2010 / Canadian Urban Institute - Programme 2007-20102194321286 50001656Youth for the Millenium Goals / La jeunesse et les objectifs du millanaire pour le daveloppement97509459 50001657Youth for the Millenium Goals / La jeunesse et les objectifs du millanaire pour le daveloppement 50017022Oxfam Canada Development Program 2009-2014 / Oxfam Canada - Programme de daveloppement 2009-201429595284 50017065Co-Development Canada - Program 2006-2009 / Co-Development Canada - Programme 2006-2009 50017110University Partnerships in Cooperation and Development (UPCD) - Tier 2 / Partenariats universitaires en cooparation et daveloppement (PPUCD) - Volet 2 50057524PRE International Scholarships Program4314310783 50058650Agriculture solidaire la Havane Phase II237420 50059228Co-Development Canada - Program 2006-2009 / Co-Development Canada - Programme 2006-2009618845349 50059289Canadian Urban Institute - Program 2007-2010 / Canadian Urban Institute - Programme 2007-20102691969 50059506Canadian Urban Institute - Program 2007-2010 / Canadian Urban Institute - Programme 2007-20101267712300 50059751Youth for the Millenium Goals / La jeunesse et les objectifs du millanaire pour le daveloppement645747329 50059809Canadian Urban Institute - Program 2007-2010 / Canadian Urban Institute - Programme 2007-2010618845349 50059856Canadian Urban Institute - Program 2007-2010 / Canadian Urban Institute - Programme 2007-20102691969 50059902Canadian Urban Institute - Program 2007-2010 / Canadian Urban Institute - Programme 2007-2010350500 50059903Distance Education in Cooperative Management / education distance en gestion des cooparatives350500 50059926Distance Education in Cooperative Management / education distance en gestion des cooparatives140990 50059929Canadian Urban Institute - Program 2007-2010 / Canadian Urban Institute - Programme 2007-2010140990 50059935Canadian Urban Institute - Program 2007-2010 / Canadian Urban Institute - Programme 2007-201012174591301 50059936Centre de promotion et daveloppement du Biogaz - Pour une gestion acologique et pour l'amalioration de la qualita de vie des paysans de Cuba et d'Ha¯t43370 50059937Distance Education in Cooperative Management / education distance en gestion des cooparatives349825634 50059938Canadian Urban Institute - Program 2007-2010 / Canadian Urban Institute - Programme 2007-201017218554324 50059939Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) - Cuba - 2009-2010 / Fonds canadien d'initiatives locales (FCIL) - Cuba - 2009-20104304643046 50059940Identification of migratory bird habitat in Cuba12913987922 50059941Cooperation Support Unit / Unita d'appui la cooparation1811218112 50059942Foundations for Sustainable Livelihoods in Critical Biodiversity Areas of the Caribbean / Moyens de subsistance durables aux ragions de biodiversita m12913987922 50059944Cooperation Support Unit / Unita d'appui la cooparation12913987922 50059945Cooperation Support Unit / Unita d'appui la cooparation12913987922 50059947Cooperation Support Unit / Unita d'appui la cooparation12913987922 50059949Cooperation Support Unit / Unita d'appui la cooparation23868038257 50059950Canada World Youth - Volunteer Sending 2009-2014 / Jeunesse Canada Monde - Envoi de volontaires 2009-2014 50059951KAIROS: Promote Ecumenical Justice Initiatives in countries in conflict / KAIROS: Promouvoir la justice acumanique dans les pays en conflit,657750 50059952Distance Education in Cooperative Management / education distance en gestion des cooparatives215236791 50059953Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) - Cuba - 2009-2010 / Fonds canadien d'initiatives locales (FCIL) - Cuba - 2009-201053264385361 50059954Canada World Youth - Volunteer Sending 2009-2014 / Jeunesse Canada Monde - Envoi de volontaires 2009-20142691969 50059955Canadian Urban Institute - Program 2007-2010 / Canadian Urban Institute - Programme 2007-20102691969 50059956Canadian Urban Institute - Program 2007-2010 / Canadian Urban Institute - Programme 2007-20101811218112 50059957Foundations for Sustainable Livelihoods in Critical Biodiversity Areas of the Caribbean / Moyens de subsistance durables aux ragions de biodiversita m27636744295 50059958Canada World Youth - Volunteer Sending 2009-2014 / Jeunesse Canada Monde - Envoi de volontaires 2009-2014 50059960Oxfam Canada Development Program 2009-2014 / Oxfam Canada - Programme de daveloppement 2009-201428415069 50059961Co-Development Canada - Program 2006-2009 / Co-Development Canada - Programme 2006-20091866118661 50059962Foundations for Sustainable Livelihoods in Critical Biodiversity Areas of the Caribbean / Moyens de subsistance durables aux ragions de biodiversita m421313627 50059963Foundations for Sustainable Livelihoods in Critical Biodiversity Areas of the Caribbean / Moyens de subsistance durables aux ragions de biodiversita m421313627 50059964Foundations for Sustainable Livelihoods in Critical Biodiversity Areas of the Caribbean / Moyens de subsistance durables aux ragions de biodiversita m726400 50059972Falls Brook Centre - International Interships 2009-2012 / Falls Brook Centre - Stages internationaux 2009-201215577324967 50059974Canada World Youth - Volunteer Sending 2009-2014 / Jeunesse Canada Monde - Envoi de volontaires 2009-201420601933016 50059975Canada World Youth - Volunteer Sending 2009-2014 / Jeunesse Canada Monde - Envoi de volontaires 2009-20141612080 50059976Integrated Coastal Zone Management Capacity-Building in Southeast Cuba / Renforcement de la capacita de gestion intagrae de la zone c´ti¨re dans le Su1612080 50059977Integrated Coastal Zone Management Capacity-Building in Southeast Cuba / Renforcement de la capacita de gestion intagrae de la zone c´ti¨re dans le Su37435159996 50059978Canada World Youth - Volunteer Sending 2009-2014 / Jeunesse Canada Monde - Envoi de volontaires 2009-2014290560 50059979Falls Brook Centre - International Interships 2009-2012 / Falls Brook Centre - Stages internationaux 2009-2012435840 50059980Falls Brook Centre - International Interships 2009-2012 / Falls Brook Centre - Stages internationaux 2009-2012435840 50059981Falls Brook Centre - International Interships 2009-2012 / Falls Brook Centre - Stages internationaux 2009-2012435840 50059983Falls Brook Centre - International Interships 2009-2012 / Falls Brook Centre - Stages internationaux 2009-201249746379722 50059984Canada World Youth - Volunteer Sending 2009-2014 / Jeunesse Canada Monde - Envoi de volontaires 2009-201423114737041 50059985Canada World Youth - Volunteer Sending 2009-2014 / Jeunesse Canada Monde - Envoi de volontaires 2009-2014581120 50059986Falls Brook Centre - International Interships 2009-2012 / Falls Brook Centre - Stages internationaux 2009-2012434013734 50059987Foundations for Sustainable Livelihoods in Critical Biodiversity Areas of the Caribbean / Moyens de subsistance durables aux ragions de biodiversita m2536524601 50069273Youth for the Millenium Goals / La jeunesse et les objectifs du millanaire pour le daveloppement4840512096 50069274La pravention, pas si « bªte » que §a! Santa animale et intervention communautaire5901644262 50069275La pravention, pas si « bªte » que §a! : santa animale et intervention communautaire28415069 50069276Co-Development Canada - Program 2006-2009 / Co-Development Canada - Programme 2006-200958545671 50069277Youth for the Millenium Goals / La jeunesse et les objectifs du millanaire pour le daveloppement 50069278Oxfam Canada Development Program 2009-2014 / Oxfam Canada - Programme de daveloppement 2009-2014215236791 50070130Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) - Cuba - 2009-2010 / Fonds canadien d'initiatives locales (FCIL) - Cuba - 2009-201029595284 50074336Co-Development Canada - Program 2006-2009 / Co-Development Canada - Programme 2006-20092194321286 50074337Youth for the Millenium Goals / La jeunesse et les objectifs du millanaire pour le daveloppement 50074339Oxfam Canada Development Program 2009-2014 / Oxfam Canada - Programme de daveloppement 2009-2014 50074341Oxfam Canada Development Program 2009-2014 / Oxfam Canada - Programme de daveloppement 2009-2014 50074342KAIROS: Promote Ecumenical Justice Initiatives in countries in conflict / KAIROS: Promouvoir la justice acumanique dans les pays en conflit,14764510 50350247308961283009 50771768CANADA AMERICAS CLIMATE CHANGE FUND - CCDF/CAPACITY BUILDING / CUBA11749033891 51667351VS/COENTREPRISE DE MOTEURS DIESEL1378613786 51928904RESEARCH FORUM ON CUBA (FOCAL)4161638842 52051910MAP INTERNATIONAL - CUBA597730 52301503URBAN AGRICULTURE, ENVIRONMENT & SOCIAL ECONOMY, LA HABANA (CUBA)956490 527202299010310 5279770548684824804496 53080057EDUCATION SECTOR LINE OF CREDI3797040 53197400INTRODUCING PARTICIPATORY PLANT BREEDING FOR STRENGTHENING AGRO-BIODIVERSITY IN CUBA15070340 53433018INC (INDUSTRIAL COOPERATION)417298210040 53470617CANADA FUND-CUBA 98/99114104114104 53795171INTL MEDICINE SHIPMENT TO CUBA6754967549 53859058PARTICIPATORY PLANT BREEDING FOR STRENGTHENING AGRO-BIODIVERSITY IN CUBA (PHASE II)358400 53883223PROD, DE PeLICULES DE PLASTIQUE / CUBA30896192688 54402214CANADA FUND CUBA 2000-2006 - 2003-20045946680 54429648INC (INDUSTRIAL COOPERATION)2454520 54436189RIO CAUTO - ReHABILITATION ENVIRONNEMENTALE1537130 54525873E- COMMERCE AND ECO-TOURISM RESEARCH (ECUADOR & CUBA)36973697 54634602DEUXIEME eTAPE D'UNE eVALUATION DES PROJETS URBAINS DeVELOPPeS AU SEIN DU PROGRAMME ECOSYSTEMES ET SANTe HUMAINE33126690 55349855PVO82943633177 55653543APPUI POLITIQUE ET PROGRAMMATION / CUBA59866441436795 55725260PDHL-CUBA38832190 56111209MAC 56141467RIO ALMENDARES - ECOLOGICAL WATER TREATMENT FACILITY59866440 56738572CNCI- CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT II 56976476Development of the Forestry Sector, Cuba4173022256 57039577CENTRAL BANK OF CUBA DESIGN PR2990729907 57089250INTRODUCING PARTICIPATORY PLANT BREEDING FOR STRENGTHENING AGRO-BIODIVERSITY IN CUBA2854300 5735311719129820 57891824478932478932 58066410CARE SUPPORT TO HURRICANE IVAN65972881418 58074777WWF: CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE ECONOM 58501623NAIT/MINBAS (CUBAN MINISTRY OF BASIC INDUSTRY): INDUSTRIAL CERTIFICATION166464284619 58584644CUBA - DIALOGUE FUND473675101051 58829455CANADA FUND - CUBA - CANADA FUND - CUBA - 2008-2009327885133777 58957291CANADA FUND CUBA 2000-200115515549557 59220689ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT OF SEED SYSTEMS AND GENE FLOW (MEXICO, CUBA AND PERU) 59396574STRENGHTENING OF THE NGO SECT, 60322058CUBA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND13318770 6035363770134240 60479170CUBA REVENUE MANAGEMENT ASSIST13180 61013410EXPLORATORY MISSION TO CUBA1036570 61043443INTEGRATED APPROACHES TO SAFE DRINKING WATER (GLOB45413761281 61576105Canada Fund Cuba 2000-2009 - Fonds canadiens 2007-200889170 61927320CUBANS FOR MCGILL CONFERENCE503640 62010085SCHOLARSHIPS9273492734 62379471CUBA, OXFAM CANADA, HURRICANE DENNIS4519810 62439943Canada Climate change adaptation Policy/ UNPD Outreach - Regional Initiative 62582760INFORMATICS FOR ECONC MANAGEME579584923183 62750798MODERNIZATION OF THE STATE FUND (MOSF)1373213732 63090588E- COMMERCE AND ECO-TOURISM RESEARCH (ECUADOR & CUBA)1323540 63295825MASTERS IN ECONOMICS (CUBA) 63372745INFORMATICS FOR ECONC MANAGEME127606127606 63689899HPIC FLU VACCINE SHIPMENT - HPIC FLU VACCINE SHIPMENT (RETROACTIVE)346800127623 63691491CANADA FUND-CUBA 97/983567880 63788657SUPPORT ECONOMIC REFORM2935134247169 63813281HEALTH SECTOR MULTI-YEAR PROGRAM232450 6386147111122696396 64353551CONSTRUCTION EN ACIER INOXYDABLE/CUBA140268134658 64583166PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS - CUBA17840217960 64906274PRODUCTION SERRICOLE DE FRUIT ET L GUME6955061204 64934691PHARMACEUTICAL COLLECTION-MAP 65021960HUMAN RIGHTS FUNDS PILOT PROJE25827500 65331713PRIMARY EDUCATION TEXTS6205362053 65426179 66047644HUMAN RIGHTS FUNDS PILOT PROJECT1317840 66049314CUBA - ECONOMIC POLICY SEMINAR146164146164 66196206ECOSYSTEM APPROACH TO THE SUSTAINABLE PREVENTION & CONTROL OF DENGUE (CUBA) II428150 66237692WORKSHOP ON BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIODIVERSITY590190 66879365HAVANA CIDA/UNDP CDM SEMINAR49434943 67082889SUPPORT FOR THE COMPLETION OF UA VIDEO: SEEDS IN THE CITY3232790 67223337ECO-EFFICIENCY COMMUNITIES INITIATIVE1150 67664075Adaptive Management of Seed Systems and Gene Flow (Mexico- Cuba and Peru) 67916139HUMAN RIGHTS FUNDS PILOT PROJE1367790 68340906URBAN ECOSYSTEM HEALTH INDICATORS (CUBA)22952065577 69352941CANADA FUND-CUBA 99/00 69472808INFORMATICS FOR ECONC MANAGEME540030 69733929SCHOLARSHIPS13146760 6980179015950700 69936565FORESTRY561073939275 70125770SOCIAL SECTOR LINE OF CREDIT306253516589 70186537UNITe D'APPUI € LA COOPeRATION - UNITe D'APPUI € LA COOPeRATION/CUBA350671137463 7096627296/97 CUBA CANADA FUND1159170 71009266CANADA FUND CUBA 2000-2006 - 2006-200812913750 71129835CUBA REVENUE MANAGEMENT ASSIST128440 71503191IDRC SEMINAR AT THE INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF INFORMATION, CUBA63800 71645747PRIMARY EDUCATION TEXTS678120 72542229MASTERS IN ECONOMICS (CUBA)957040 72545033IHA (INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE)1180820 72957687URBAN ECOSYSTEM HEALTH INDICATORS (CUBA)683900 73064615 73456135DSPP - CUBA PROGRAMMATION6380322969 73963114PARQUE METROPOLITANO - PRe-APPROBATION / PRE-APPROVAL231834134464 74084106VS/TECHNIQUES CONSTRUCTION ACIER/CUBA1531267345811 75248558RIO CAUTO - ReHABILITATION ENVIRONNEMENTALE11297110 75269591CUBA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND 75990034CANADA FUND CUBA 2000-2006 - 2002-2003557890 760350012424524245 76467445FORESTRY - PRe-APPROBATION / PRE-APPROVAL3671490 76694638MASTERS IN ECONOMICS (CUBA)10208450 76885626ECO-EFFICIENCY COMMUNITIES INITIATIVE2237200 77117023APPUI POLITIQUE ET PROGRAMMATION / CUBA3228440 77165374Hurricaine Michelle Agriculture Recovery67106710 77220094INTEGRATED APPROACHES TO SAFE DRINKING WATER (GLOBAL) - AQUATOX / WATERTOX67929230 77500114253450 775942091736480 77915764SCALING-UP OF SUCCESSFUL AGROECOLOGICAL EXPERIENCES IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN15833940 7872921114837428979 78868429VS/ASPHALT PRODUCTION/CUBA521060 789141552446980 79039228SYSTEME DE CONTROLE D'ASCENSEURS/CUBA1262420 79328964CUBA POLICY FOUNDATION CONSULT262310 79474827MEDICINE AIRLIFT277440415259 79608972TRAINING IN ECONOMIC MANAGEMEN7102671026 80248185CONSEILLER € L'ENVIRONNEMENT PNUD-CUBA173160 80339510CUBAN RESEARCH STRATEGY4310443104 80636889TRADE CAPACITY BUILDING IN CUBA & DR Total ( Canada)18137002318879567 Economía Finanzas