Ayuda de Brasil foresightcuba, June 20, 2016June 22, 2016 Cuba ha obtenido ayuda por un valor de 3,9 mil millones de dólares entre 1973 y el 2014. Los valores son presentados en su equivalente en dólares del 2011. Brasil ha ofrecido ayuda a Cuba por un valor de 2,7 millones de dólares, sin transferencias. A continuación presentamos la lista detallada de proyectos de ayuda a Cuba: ID del ProyectoTítuloAyuda ofrecida (USD)Cuota transferida (USD) 3001936Technical Support for Setting up of a Breast Milk Bank in Cuba567960 3001937Technical Assistance for soy production in Cuba1033840 3001939Quality Control of dangerous products submitted to the Department of Health556890 3001940Diagnosis of agro-environmental conditions of Cuba with the aim of introducing soy cultivation144950 3001941Study of environmental degradation from mining in the Santa Lucia Region in Western Cuba227280 3001942Institutional Strengthening of the International Agencies of the Brazilian and Cuban Health Ministries141090 3001943Institutional Strengthening of CEMED and ANVISA in the area of health safety (medicines)1047240 3001944Integrated management of coastal waters258870 3001945Participation of Cuban Technicians in 'Congress on International Society and Electronic Government - CONSEGI'47030 3001946Project to Strengthen Dentistry Area in Brazil and Cuba - Phase 1689370 3001947Technical Support and Institutional Extension project on Subterranean Water Information System - SIAGAS - Cuba225740 3001948Methodology Transfer to combine resistances to Begomovirus, Tospovirus and nematode isolated in tomato genotype with desirable agronomic quality292650 3001949Transfer of Advanced Techniques in order to identify heavy metals in soils, Fertilizers, Organic Composts and Horticulture Plants of Cuba - Quality Control237500 3001950Utilization of Geo-statistics (?) for the classification of resources and mineral reserves in Cuba101190 3001951Eighth Meeting of the Working Group for Technical Cooperation Brazil-Cuba431730 93695840Participation of Cuban technicians in the 'International Congress Society and Electronic Government - CONSEGI47940 93696557Second International Congress of Free Software and E-Government - Can 2009279110 93696849Training on the Use of Credit Derivatives and Financial Instruments of credit risk control96960 93697160Project for Strengthening of dentistry in Brazil and Cuba - Phase I1675790 93697551Utilización de la clasificación para la Geoestadística Resources Reserves y Minerales en Cuba.221440 93697745Environmental degradation Estudio de la Minería en la región de Santa Lucía en el Occidente de Cuba.390520 93697786TRANSFER OF ADVANCED TECHNIQUES FOR DETERMINATION OF HEAVY METALS IN SOILS, FERTILIZERS, PLANTS AND VEGETABLES ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF CUBA - QUALITY CONTROL402950 93697878TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF HUMAN MILK BANKS IN CUBA790730 93697976QUALITY CONTROL OF PRODUCTS SUBJECT TO RISK OF HEALTH SURVEILLANCE874800 93698404'Transfer of methodologies for the combination of resistance to isolates of begomovirus, Tospovirus and nematodes in tomato genotypes with desirable agronomic quality.'679670 93698446Cuban Training of Technicians in the area of Human Resource Management87610 93698524Proyecto de Soporte Técnico y extensionists Institucional del Sistema de Información Groundwater - SIAGAS - Cuba335250 93703542Guidelines for the validation of alternative methods for detecting microbial contaminants in products of interest to health surveillance and agriculture9414210 93704722Integrated coastal waters296010 93705262Training on the Use of Credit Derivatives and Financial Instruments of credit risk control284730 93705452Permissible limits of heavy metals in Cuban agriculture - the transfer and adaptation of the rich experience of drafting the legislation1488710 93705569Transfer of methodologies for the genetic control of Ralstonia solanacearum, Begomovirus, Tospovirus, and Phytophthora capsici Potyirus in tomatoes and peppers.1014470 93705636INSTITUTIONAL STRENGTHENING OF THE CENTER FOR TECHNOLOGY AND QUALITY OF THE MINISTRY OF SIDEROMECÂNICA - SIME - DE CUBA. PHASE II: DEVELOPMENT OF ACTION PLAN CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT Quadrennial 2012 - 2015 THE CTEC / SIME OF CUBA589860 93705650Development of technical capabilities in the biological control of agricultural pests in Cuba1091200 93705810Institutional Strengthening of the National Laboratories of Sanitary Surveillance in Brazil and Cuba1135730 Total (Brasil)27201020 Fuente: Aiddata.org. Economía Finanzas